These are the words of Blessed Mother on this day:
I wish to remind you that it is necessary for each of you to ask the Lord's forgiveness for all the sins into which each of you has fallen from time to time. It is also necessary that you have learned not to fall into the same condition again. Some of your sins have been committed wilfully and others due to circumstances.
You must learn to ask the Lord, the Christ to help you not only to overcome similar circumstances, but to inform your conscience accordingly in order that you may never fall into the same sin again.
The Lord, the Father, the Almighty knows that your teachers are silent on the fact of Christ the judge and are telling you instead that death and the meeting with your Saviour are the one and only consequence of your life.
Since I have been named by some the Virgin of the Revelation and now, at the command of God, the Father, the Almighty, I remind you that Jesus, my son will be your judge as well and for some amongst you this shall make death a terrible event. This is clearly revealed to you in the Holy Scriptures, not only by the followers of my Son, but from earlier as well.
Therefore ask the forgiveness which each of you requires from time to time and do not omit to recount all you may have to be judged for. Do not excuse your misdeeds in any way. If you have sinned it was due entirely to your own exercise of the free will with which the Father has endowed you. Therefore do not blame any other for your own shortcomings. Jesus, my son and the Saviour, will not abandon anyone who is truly repentant and making amends.
Do ensure that each one of you may be worthy of being called the one who serves God the Father, the Almighty in the fullness of free will. Then, and only then, will you be able to face death fearlessly and even happily in the knowledge that death will bring the benefit of eternal happiness.
Children of God, keep to the truth and remember to keep the faith which is rooted in the essence of the truth revealed. Therefore remember, when you teach your children that you cannot introduce new matters into the revealed truth when you are teaching to increase the knowledge of faith both in each person and in the Mystical Body as a whole lest you introduce the seductions of new doctrines which can only inhibit the understanding of the essence. Remember as well when you teach, that the destiny of man does not include the supremacy of man.
She leaves.