These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
Children of God the Father, the Almighty, I am here to help you remember that God the Father, the Almighty is waiting eternally for each one of His creatures to enter into a desired communion with Him, that He may give, while His children receive willingly, the blissful joy of faith.
Remember again that as you enter into prayer opening yourself to the Lord you adore Him with all your heart, all your soul, all your complete person.
In adoration of Him you approach the Eucharist and you know that He is present and speaking to your soul. Once you open yourself to God the Father, the Almighty, the depth of your faith increases and manifests itself in adoration of Him and Him alone. In the adoring union with the Saviour, that which is declared mystery becomes understandable in faith.
In faith you will realize that God gave the Church the mission to lead all of humanity into the fullness of the freedom of the soul.
Much has been forgotten by too many. The Lord God therefore provides for His Church to receive the new priesthood where the priest will protect and defend the freedom of each human person.
He will protect his people against the trickery, lies and malice of evil.
He will teach correctly that the Holy Spirit of God is all that is needed for the salvation of all persons.
He will teach as well that the enemy of the salvation of all of humanity will promote the belief that others can become all that is needed for salvation, to distract the believer away from the only one Saviour.
The priest will teach the need to protect the intellect from those who, influenced by evil, use every kind of deceit and, in defiance of God the Father, the Almighty seek to corrupt even those who are in adoration of the one Saviour.
She smiles and leaves.