These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
How do you enter the presence of God the Father, the Almighty who alone is all power and all glory, you who are His children?
You enter into His presence through prayer, through prayer which hones your soul into the perfect state of complete acceptance of His holy will wherefore you will know how to prostrate your being in total humility; through prayer which is the long travel on the road to know that each person is your brother and your sister whom you love , friend or enemy, holy person or sinner!
When your life becomes a prayer of love for each of God’s children, that is when the veil which covers the face of the Christ will disappear and you will see Him. That is when you will know how to enter the presence of God the Father, the Almighty.
Therefore, do not utter hearsay about introducing yourself into the presence of God the Father, the Almighty for to be in His presence is to have lived a life of self-sacrifice and obedience, and having defeated your ego, you pray from the complete acceptance of His holy will!
This is the state of the soul where unconditional love dwells! This is the state where miracles happen. A miracle is the product of unconditional love!
Yet, how few are those who can say truthfully that they have taken into their homes the stranger at the door, given food to the starving and drink to the thirsty because, having looked on their faces they were able to see the face of the Christ?
They are worthy of praise who can say, “I materialise my prayer from the presence of God the Father, the Almighty into the reality, the truth of my unconditional love for each person created by God the Father, the Almighty!”
If you can say so, speaking in truth, then you begin to reflect the power of God the Father, the Almighty on to those who dwell on the Earth and you have become a healer!
Only in holiness you enter into the presence of God the Father, the Almighty.
She smiles and leaves.