These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
Children of God the Father, the Almighty, many amongst you stop and wonder at the words I AM THAT I AM. You try to put meaning to these words and from the human ability of the human mind you say that "I am who I am" is God the Father, the Almighty. This is so. I invite you not to add your understanding of God to God the Father, the Almighty lest you utter error. Content yourselves, as do I, to believe that God has no origin since origin attest to a beginning.
As the child who asks where God comes from, the most learned amongst philosophers finds it alien to think of someone who has no origin. It is in the nature of human persons to seek the origin of persons and things and every aspect of creation. The orphan, the abandoned child seeks his own identity while searching for the parents who gave him birth. The scientist seeks, the astrologer seeks, the philosopher seeks, the healer seeks, the archaeologist seeks. It is the seeking to which we dedicate our efforts, which is witness that we know that all and everything has a source.
It is not easy to understand the absolute perfection and the purity of an uncreated being. He who has no origin is He who has no end. Yet He who has no beginning and no end did create time. He who spread the unlimited universe has no need of space and is unique in His aloneness and yet prepares the dwellings for all of His children.
Children of God the Father, the Almighty, bow your heads and consider the wonder of the words I AM. Rather than prophesise the doom of the end of time in order to justify your efforts towards improving what God has created for the benefit of all of mankind, work towards restoring that which has been abandoned in faith and which has contributed to the decay of the inner life, the lapse in the desire to unite your soul to the Creator.
I AM is all there is. Man is the being created by God and created to the image of God. Yet mankind fails to this time, your time, to accept the total dependence, and the total dependence of all things created on the will of the Creator. By escaping his dependence on the will of the Creator the human person has corrupted the ability to make perfect moral choices. The person who chooses to depend totally on the will of God the Father, the Almighty obtains the reinstatement of human integrity and receives the reflection of the holiness of the Creator.
Therefore I ask you not to trouble yourselves with defining the identity of God. Rather accept and respect your dependence on God the Father, the Almighty.
Children of God the Father, the Almighty, bow your heads, hearts and minds to the mighty sovereign affirmation of the being who says I AM WHO I AM.
She smiles and leaves.