These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
Children of God the Father, the Almighty, too many of you regret and fear the conditions of your existence on Earth. You bemoan the lack of faith in your societies and blame the lack of care of the “teachers” to impart clearly the doctrine leading to a uniform growth of the soul. Yet I say to you that each one of you creatures of God have become the children of God by the sacrament of Baptism and faith.
It is given to the Church of my son to offer and dispense the service of magisterial instruction which is the fundamental nourishment of the soul of the children of God the Father, the Almighty. This is the knowledge which leads you to regain the integrity of the human nature. Thus you can grow to share in the life eternal of the kingdom of God the Father, the Almighty.
However, many in authority of the magisterial instructions have become entrapped by self-pride and have often introduced their own opinions into the instructions. Therefore, I say that the instructions should rest on the Word of God, my son. The Word must be imparted with faith, else how can faith be imparted if it is lacking in the teacher. No person can give that which the person does not have.
It is in service to the whole of the human family that the Church must proclaim that the Word of God the Father, the Almighty has revealed the truth of eternal life. In turn this truth was preached fearlessly by the Apostles who heard it from Jesus, my son. And those who heard it, proclaimed it throughout the ages.
It is the will of God the Father, the Almighty that all of the children of God reunite with Him. This will of God was revealed by my son, Jesus.
Many of the children say regularly that they are not able to say if they have faith or not. I say to these that they will become better able to make such a judgment if they begin to hope that God will not have created them in vain. With hope comes love and the ability to offer yourself in the service of their brothers and sisters.
I say to you all beloved children of God the Father, the Almighty, look and consider the needs of your brothers and sisters and learn to help them. You will know how to help them when you will have learned to love them.
God hears the secret utterances of those who are not able to know if they are capable of love. To these I say that serving the needy is the best way to develop compassion in the individual heart. This is how you unite into Jesus because Jesus is the compassion of God the Father, the Almighty. He nourishes your heart when you nourish your brothers and sisters in loving service to them.
And now I tell you that the time is approaching when I will not visit you with the regularity of the present time. You should consider making the preparations which will ensure the continuity of the veneration established in this place. What I have said to you in this place should become helpful to those who wish to follow in the footsteps of Jesus my son and enter into kingdom.
She smiles and leaves.