These are the words of the Blessed Mother on this day:
Know that God, the Father, the Almighty created humanity that man may mirror the goodness of the Creator. Therefore the person who refrains from injustice reflects the goodness of the Father. Do not place your personal interests before those of your brothers and sisters, rather put your brothers and sisters first.
How do you repay those who offend against yourself? Do you answer in kind? If so, you act in the morality which is against the nature of man, for God, the Father, the Almighty has created you for goodness, the goodness which mirrors the goodness of the Creator. To repay injustice in kind mirrors arrogance.
Rather I encourage you to seek humility. Humility does not accept that a person who has suffered injustice should seek to act according to the norms of the present time. That person should not say "Who dares to do me an injustice, I must be considered to be above such daring!"
The norms of your time are those of a pagan world, a world where Christian morality is put to the service of many gods: one is self-gain, often to the loss of others who have less. God, the Father, the Almighty provides equitably for all and sufficiently for each. Before you desire or take from your brothers that which God has provided for them, remember that each one of you has been gifted by God with a right equal to your own to live in sufficiency.
Another of the gods of your time is vanity which leads too many to look on religion with irreverence because your religion shows that mankind is less than God, the Father the Almighty. Some of the first signs of vanity is lack of modesty in your clothing. Know that your body is sacred to God. It is right to remember that you must care to present your appearance in harmony with the person created by the Father, a person learning to practice all the virtues of a Christian. Your appearance may offer temptation to others when you dress it with vanity!
Many are the gods worshipped in a pagan society, and each one of them leads you to be confused in your minds, unable to understand what is the real meaning of “you live in this world, but you are not part of it!” Remember that a person who chooses to follow the Christ becomes the Temple of the Holy Spirit, a member of the Mystical Body, a disciple of the Christ, reflecting renunciation of the morality of a pagan society and a fearless respect for the sanctity of the values of Christian morality.
She smiles and leaves.