We gather at the brook. We offer up the Rosary today in thanksgiving for the life of Ivo ___who died on 29 November 1995. We are in a shock situation because his death was not expected. We had hopes that he would stay with us longer. As we pray, I have an understanding that Ivo ___ did not wish to refuse God’s call.
As we pray, Mamma and Yermina arrive. I am happy that they are here. Fr Saveng left for Thailand. He came as if he were responding to a call from Ivo. When we visited Ivo in hospital, Fr. Saveng and Dr Anan (the Chief of medical staff at St Louis Hospital in Bangkok) and I, I noticed that a certain understanding passed between Ivo and Father, when they talked about the miraculous healing from terminal cancer of Fr Saveng. I could read their minds, both Fr Saveng's and Ivo's. They communicated like this:
Ivo: “I also can be healed, Father, but I am not sure if it is better or not.”
Fr Saveng: “It does not make that much difference, you still have to die. As for me, I believe I would have been better off if I had died at the time of my grave sickness. You see, I would have died in a state of grace. Now I have to do more and more work and in the end, I will die again. I pray that it comes again when I am in state of grace!”
As I looked up, I saw that Fr Saveng was anointing Ivo. Ivo died the next day, surprising everyone. Father Saveng spent that whole night with Mamma ___ while we held a short Vigil for Ivo.
As all these thoughts crowd my mind and as we recite the Holy Rosary, the Blessed Virgin appears. She stands in the water, in the middle of the brook. She speaks:
Tell Marija that I am sustaining her in her loss. Now she is experiencing what she has been praying for. I say to her not to grieve. I understand that from her life, at this moment, she must suffer, but I am there to assist her, and all those dear to her, to carry their sorrow knowing that it comes from God, the Father, the Almighty and that is good.
Again I say, do not grieve, for that which the Father gives you is a blessing of many graces. Rather, tell Marija that from her hands, as they held Ivo, I have received him into my own hands to guide him further. Here he will stand for only a moment. Describe to Marija how he is.
Ivo was suddenly next to the Blessed Mother. He looked very serene, smiling, happy. He looked towards us and said what I believe was a word of thanks. The Blessed Virgin spoke again:
This last happening brings to your close attention some aspect of what I have been teaching you. Please meditate on my teachings, my exhortations and all that I have said to you so far. Do not fear life; do not fear death. Love your Father in Heaven and all shall be well for each of you.
As I look up, she has left us.
Afterwards, during Holy Mass, I pray that I may be as happy as Ivo and that I may be able to always understand and accept all that comes from God our Father, the Almighty.